Every woman is totally different during the time of the month. Some of us take birth control to limit the severity of cramps (or to not have a period at all) and others have pretty easy periods without any help from BC. Some of us have cramps so severe that its hard to function and others have cramps but after day two the cramps become pretty bearable. Overall, a majority of us at some point have suffered some discomfort and pain due to shark week.
What if I told you that some habits you have could be making your period pain worse? Listed below are a few tips to help keep the pain to a minimum.
- Do NOT stay dehydrated. During your period you can sometimes feel very weak due to the loss of fluid and blood. Drink tons of water and gatorade to counteract this weakness.
- Do NOT drink caffeine. Coffee and soda lovers around the world won’t want to hear this but PLACE IT DOWN AND STEP AWAY .Caffeine is a stimulant drug that increases blood pressure and heart rate which triggers horrible cramps and PMS. Try drinking decaffeinated green tea.
- Do NOT stay still. When your stomach feels like its about erupt the last thing you probably want to do is work out. However, working out (doesn’t have to be rigorously) will help more than you think. It helps to relieve cramping, bloating, and lessens the flow.
- Do NOT pick up the sweets. Eating foods high in sugar adds to your blood sugar fluctuations which causes mood swings and tension.
- Do NOT consume dairy. Products such as milk, yogurt and cheese contain an acid called arachidonic acid; this acid can cause more cramping in the lower abdomen.
- Do NOT get a wax or tattoo. During your period your estrogen levels drop which makes your body very sensitive to pain. Anything that can be potentially painful when you are not on your period can intensify when you are.
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