The friend zone doesn’t exist stop being a douche. You’ve got people who think you’re cool but don’t like you romantically, that’s called be a grown up. Having women friends isn’t a punishment. Having women friends in your corner will help you way more than it could ever hurt you.
No one understands women, not even other women all the time but men are definitely the furthest away. As men our perspective is almost always to run over a problem or fix it immediately. Women tend to take more practical and timely approaches. What you thought was a singular issue, could be a pattern. Here you were thinking you got the wrong flowers when in reality you’ve been ignoring your shorty for months on end. The argument you’re having is always about the problem that caused it with women, and only a woman can help you see and navigate that.
Plus like Andre 3000 said in International Player’s Anthem, “if that chick do you dirty, we’ll wipe her ass out like detergent.” Nothing more official than having women friends who are down to ride.
Wing woman.
Admit it, your friends are bad at wingmaning for you aren’t they? Either you’re competing or you’re half interested, rarely is it mutually beneficial. Insert your homegirl who can speak to all your positives in a language that resonates with women. You’ll be winning way more than your friend who was just going to say, “damn, that’s crazy” for a half hour straight. Don’t believe me? Have you ever seen how women react when another woman compliments her?
You: “I really like your shirt.”
Homegirl: “Nice shirt.”
Trust me, let her speak for you and don’t say anything stupid to ruin your chances.
I’m not ashamed to admit I’ve tasked more than a few of my homegirls with helping me design my apartments. I just don’t have the eye for it, and I also don’t really care as long as it’s comfortable. But your homegirl will have you in Bed, Bath and Beyond buying pillows made of Baby Ostrich edges and blankets sewn in the Himalayan mountains. When have you ever thought to buy candles for your own place? Or bath mats? The details that make you seem like a higher functioning adult than you are. Those are important and the best part is, if she feels comfortable there; than other women will too.
Keeping You In Check.
I stand by the male ego. I think it does way more harm than good, but having someone to counteract you that has no ulterior motives is important. Spending time talking through your thought process with someone who is looking out for you is good practice no matter what, but again women have perspective that men sometimes ignore. In our society a lot of men are taught to steamroll and that isn’t always the best scenario. You attract more bees with honey than vinegar. Try to run some issues you have had trouble solving by your closest women friend and see if she doesn’t give you something to think about and a new approach.
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