There’s nothing more millennial than going online to tell another millennial how they’re doing it wrong and how you know how to make it right. So in avoidance of being too stereotypical I’m going to give myself the advice instead, I’m 28 (read as: 30) so I’ve obviously learned something about growing up by now, right? Right???
Who I am at 21 – Working On Campus, No Internship, and President of Local NAACP Chapter, Partial residence in Huntsville, AL (random, I know)
Advice: Dummy… intern. You’re going to hate that you didn’t later. You go to school in New York, the best city in the world to make a name for yourself. You’re not completely wasting your time, but you’re definitely not making the most of it. You don’t have as much time as you think you have and it’s going to go by in the blink of an eye. Also, call your parents more often, that’s just a give in. You have to keep in touch no matter how old you get.
Who I am at 23 – Working at RadioShack, Interning with Random Clients, House in NYC
Advice: Get everything in writing. You’re interacting with people who have worked in your field for years which is good and bad. Learn to stick with an idea even if you hate it. A lot of bad ideas have to come out before a great idea gets the chance to breathe. Create often, fail often and take chances when able. Also, pay your rent on time and put as much as you can to your student loans, credit scores are hard to fix.
Who I am at 25 – Marketing Coordinator At a Software Company, Writing for TheShopBlog.Net, Volunteering with Big Brother, Apartment in Baltimore, MD
Advice: Seriously, call your parents more often. Tweeting isn’t real, tangible friendship, so pick up the phone and call your friends once in awhile. Folks are having kids, getting engaged, losing parents and getting new jobs. You should make sure you’re not out of touch or missing any major life events. The best advice I can give you is to drink more water, read the Bible and mind your own business more. Those are the pillars to a happy life.
Who I am at 28 – Lead Content and Community Manager at an agency, Writing and Editing for, Volunteering with Big Brother, Moved to Philadelphia, PA
Advice: “Life starts to slow down a bit once you reach your late 20’s, you start seeing what matters more and more.” – Bill Simmons. This could not be truer, you’re beginning to realize the importance of energy; protecting your own, putting out good energy and avoiding the bad. By now you’ve weeded out a lot of people who were toxic to you, kudos on that. Spend time finding areas you enjoy, dive into some hobbies and keep drinking water. Remind yourself to fight whoever taught your parents to group text and how to use emojis.
Hopefully this retrospective advice works for those of you in similar or different stages in your life. If we kow one thing we know that the millennial community is full of oversharers. So if you want to see how this turns out follow me on Twitter at @_ThreeStacks or Instagram at @WillBradley3rd.
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