I’d like to start this entry by saluting all the hardworking mothers out there. Being a mother is a full time job that most moms never retire from.
This mothers day i took it upon myself to interview my mom and i actually learned more about her. Here’s how it all went down!
What was your greatest challenge in raising me?
One of my greater challenges was getting you to listen to my guidance oppose to listening to your peers.
Which one of my accomplishments has made you the most proud?
One of my proudest moments is when you received your Masters degree.
If you had to do it all over again would you change anything? If so what would change?
I would be a little less rigid and more patient.
What advice would you give to new moms out there?
My advice to new moms are “Don’t let perfection be the enemy of good” You’re kids are not going to be perfect so choose your battles. You don’t have to battle them with everything because you’ll miss the good. Don’t try to live vicariously through them in order to make up for your shortcomings.
Is there anything you wish you had the opportunity to do before you had kids?
I wish I traveled more and got the opportunity to experience different cultures.
Whats one of the most challenging thing about being a mom?
Being a disciplinarian while simultaneously having a friendship with your child.
If you could change one thing about our relationship what would it be?
I wish you were more comfortable telling me some of the challenges that you face in life.
What qualities would you want my future husband to have that might benefit us after having children?
An old philosopher once said “Eat less than your means, dress according to your means and provide for your wife and children above your means” I would want you to have someone self sacrificing that is willing to put family above his personal interest.
Is there any life advice that grandma has given you that still resonates with you?
My mother’s advice that I value you the most is to put God first and he will direct my path. Whenever I have difficult decisions or feel conflicted, I often ask myself which path would be more approving to God. Making decisions on a moral basis will save you a lot of aggravation.
If grandma and grandpa could share one of your best qualities with the world what would they say?
I think they would say I have the ability to empathize with other people’s suffering.
Whats your favorite part about being a new grandmother?
I get a second chance to right the wrongs that I may have made with my own children.
Do you have a favorite song that puts you in a good mood?
Jay Z – 30 Something
Barry White Can’t get enough of your love
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